Dec 19, 20222 min

Is it too cold to surf in winter?

It depends on where you want to surf and how hardcore you are. Many people have a great introduction to #surfing during the #summer months and really wish to stay active during the #winter season. If you want to surf during the winter season, there are three things to keep in mind.

  1. What is the ocean #temperature going to be? If you are in South America or a region close to the equator like Costa Rica or Mexico, then you are in luck and likely won't even need a wetsuit. But the further north (or south) you deviate from the equator, the colder the water will become. This might seem like a bummer, but there is a workaround.

  2. Have the right gear. Wetsuits might seem like a big expense. But if you want to surf and enjoy yourself during the winter months, then get yourself a great wetsuit, especially one with a good amount of thickness (4/3mm, 5/4mm, or 6mm) accompanied by some wetsuit booties (neoprene shoes) and a neoprene hood can make all the difference in the world. As an instructor in #LosAngeles, wearing a 5mm wetsuit allows me to teach comfortably for 6 hours a day and not lose feeling in my toes. When you consider this, it's a small price to pay.

  3. Check the forecast. Winter often means that despite the #cold, the #waves actually get a lot better and sometimes even bigger. But in regions like Hawaii, the north shore can see waves of 40+ feet. Use your eyes before you paddle out and make sure you aren't getting into something that's over your head (sorry for the pun but I had to).
